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What is soaping and its application?

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What is soaping and its application?


After the fiber fabric is printed and dyed, in order to improve its color fastness and brilliance, use soap or detergent solution to clean the unfixed dyes, dye auxiliaries, printing pastes, etc. on the surface under near-boiling conditions. Washing process.


Purpose of soaping Reactive dyes have complete chromatograms, bright colors, low cost, and mature dyeing process. Therefore, more than 80% of cellulose fibers are dyed and printed with reactive dyes. There are many types of reactive dyes, their chemical structures are diverse, and their reaction efficiency is also different, but they can not completely react with cellulose fibers. In addition, while dyeing and fixing the fiber, the dye will also undergo hydrolysis, that is, the activity in reactive dyes. The group is replaced by a hydroxyl group to form a hydrolyzed dye.


These unfixed dyes and hydrolyzed dyes have very similar diffusion and adsorption properties to the original reactive dyes, so they are easily adsorbed on the fiber surface and diffuse into the fiber. Under the condition of alkaline agent and temperature and pressure, these unfixed dyes and hydrolyzed dyes (floating color) are partly combined with the fiber, which is easy to cause bleeding and re-staining, wet rubbing fastness, dry rubbing fastness, and washing fastness. Fastness and anti-staining performance are not ideal. The main purpose of soaping is to remove floating colors and improve product quality.


Principle of soaping process

Solubilization: increase the solubility of auxiliary agents remaining on the fabric and unbound fuel.

Chelation: Chelate with high-valent metal ions to soften the washing water.

Dispersion: Anti-cohesion and dispersion effect on solid dirt.

Washing: Wash off the auxiliary agent and unbound fuel remaining on the fabric.


Emulsification and anti-stain function: Emulsify the washed auxiliary and fuel evenly in the solution to form micelles to prevent re-staining on the fabric.


Acts as an alkaline buffer: instead of using alkaline substances such as soda ash in general washing.

Active anti-staining printing soap lotion Goon506 is a yellow transparent viscous liquid, easily soluble in water. It is suitable for soaping and anti-staining of cotton fiber and its blended fabric. This product is an anionic, has excellent chelating and dye adsorption properties, and has a good dispersion effect. It can improve the stability of the dye in the dye bath when used in dyeing. This product does not contain banned substances such as APEO and meets environmental protection requirements.


Features are as follows:

1. It has strong dispersion and anti-re-staining ability, which can reduce post-processing steps and time

2. It can improve the soaping fastness of reactive dyes and printed materials, and ensure the vividness of colors

3. When soaping polyester/cotton, it can reduce polyester staining, and for reactive dye printing, it can greatly reduce the inter-communication between patterns and prevent white background staining.

4. It can remove the calcium alginate precipitate produced by the color paste and hard water during the washing process of the printed fabric

5. Good biodegradability

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