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Factors That Improve Color Fastness of Fabrics

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Factors that Improve Color Fastness of Fabrics

Improve color fastness to washing

1 Thoroughly soaped (cellulose fiber reactive dyes)

2 Reduction cleaning (polyester disperse dyes)

3 Wash with water and adjust the dyeing temperature or heat preservation and color fixing time.

4 Choose high-fastness dyes (for example, when dyeing cotton, consider using high-temperature dyes or vat dyes)

5 Strengthen color fixation after dyeing

Improve color fastness to rubbing

1 Thoroughly soaped (cellulose fiber reactive dyes)

2 Reduction cleaning (polyester disperse dyes)

3 Wash with water and adjust the dyeing temperature or heat preservation and color fixing time.

4 Use high fastness dyes

5 Strengthen color fixation after dyeing

6 Reduce the surface friction coefficient of the fabric (for example, remove hairiness from the surface of cotton fabrics by enzyme washing to reduce the surface friction coefficient)

7 Rubbing fastness improving agent (generally can be added when styling)

Improve color fastness to light

1 Choose high sun exposure dyes (or use vat dyes)

2 Added sun fastness improving additives

3 Color and light should be dimmed appropriately

4 Thoroughly washed and fixed

5 Add anti-UV additives

If you want to know more about dyeing solutions, please contact: info@tiankunchemical.com

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